Open Positions


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Undergraduate Research: Research internship positions are available for motivated undergraduate students on a space available basis. To be eligible, you must be able to commit a minimum of 10-12 hours per week during the academic year. It is typical for students to earn undergraduate research credits during the academic year (ETX 99/199) and work full time in the summer (40 hours per week). If you are interested, please email me (Prof. Brett Poulin, a current CV including your major, GPA, year (e.g., freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), and research interests. There are research opportunities for a variety of projects outlined on the Research page. 

Graduate and Postdoctoral Research: Please contact me (Prof. Brett Poulin, if you are interested in conducting graduate research or becoming a postdoctoral scholar with our group. Graduate students are typically admitted through graduate groups I am a member of (Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Hydrologic Sciences).